The HomeReady Global App allows our active customers through our white-globe service, to have 100% visibility into the progress made for all improvements as our staff vigorously works to identify them, assign a timeline and resolved them as quickly as possible. Customers are able to communicate directly with HomeReady Global through the App and select their preferred language, as our AI App is capable of translating all of the conversations with our employees into multiple languages and in real-time. Customers can see all of their information including the property they acquired, the developers contact, payment details and other pertinent information. Also available is a timeline and estimated completion dates for each of the improvements identified, as well as notifications via text and e-mail, as mayor improvements are completed. Once all of the improvements have been deemed completed by HomeReady Global, the customer will receive a final text message and an e-mail message, indicating that 100% of the improvements have been resolved to the best of HomeReady Global abilities, and the customer can finally coordinate with us the official delivery of the property.